- CAN note-existence handler should emit NOTE_EXISTENCE
- So other systems can respond when a note is identified in CAN, the note-existence handler will fire a NOTE_EXISTENCE event with the following argument
- CAN's inform-add handler should listen to NOTE_EXISTENCE
- CAN's inform-add handler should inform the user of the existence of the add command when the NOTE_EXISTENCE event is fired and the address field matches the current scratchfile address.
- CAN's store should listen to NOTE_EXISTENCE
- When CAN's state store detects a NOTE_EXISTENCE event it should update the currentscratchfilenew field if the event address matches address of currentscratchfileaddress. The CAN store's currentscratchfilenew field holds if the current scratchfile exists in the notebook.
- CAN's edit command should load the named note into the scratchfile
- The edit-note handler should listen for the COMMAND_EDIT event in order to know when to do this, and the NOTE_EXISTENCE event should be emitted so other systems know a new note has been loaded into the scratchfile.